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状态:有效 发布日期:2002-04-24 生效日期: 2002-04-24
发布部门: 农业部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局


  2.2.1动物源性食品(Animal Derived Food):全部可食用的动物组织以及蛋和奶。
  2.2.3饲养动物(Farm Animal):指牛、猪、绵羊和山羊、家养奇蹄兽、骆驼和养殖鱼类;
  2.2.5治疗处理(Therapeutic Treatment):根据兽药使用,管理规定,经兽医诊断后,对单个饲养动物施用经许可的物质以处理繁殖方面的问题,包括中止不需要的妊娠,对于β-受体激动剂, 用于引起因牛和非肉用饲养马的分娩以及治疗呼吸方面的问题;
  2.2.6动物技术处理(Animal technical Treatment):指对单个家养动物施用根据兽药使用管理规定许可的物质,在兽医检查后,用于同期发情以及为胚胎移植,准备移植体和受体;对于水产养殖动物,在兽医指导和监督下,对一群育种动物进行性别转化;
  2.2.7非法处理(Illegal Treatment):指使用未经许可的物质或产品或虽经有关法规许可, 但不是用于许可的用途或不是在许可的条件下施用。
  2.2.8禁用的物质或制品(Unauthorized Substances or Products):指我国兽药使用管理规定和有关贸易国法规禁止施用于动物的物质或制品;
  2.2.10主管当局(Competent Authority):指国务院授权机构;
  2.2.11官方样品(Official Sample):指为检测违禁物质或残留由主管当局指定检测机构抽取的标明品种类型、有关数量、抽样方法和动物性别以及动物或动物制品来源等具体识别特性的样品;
  2.2.12批准的实验室(Approved Laboratory):指为检测官方样品中的残留,经我国主管当局批准的实验室;
  2.2.13一批动物(Batch of Animals):指一组在同一饲养场、同时期、相同条件下饲养、同一年龄段、同一品种的动物;
  3.法律法规(Law and Regulations)
  5.1任何从事动物产品生产和/或动物饲养的企业(个人或法人) 必须遵守国内的有关管理规定,对生产出口产品的企业,遵守有关贸易国的规则。
  5.2最初加工动物源性初级产品的企业,应采取必要的措施, 确保加工生产者,能够保证只接受停药期的动物;通过检验或检查,使自己确信进厂的动物或产品,残留不超过最高限量;不含有禁用物质或制品。
  6.官方控制措施(Official control measures)
  6.1.1地方残留监控机构在实施年度监控计划过程中, 可以在下列情形下随机进行官方检查:
  6.1.3 如果有迹象表明,或怀疑有欺诈行为,并且在检查中出现阳性结果的情况下,则对检测出残留的组织或动物按国家有关规定处理。
  (2) 如果经质询证实确有非法处理或使用了未经许可的物质或制品或有理由怀疑这种使用应进行:
  (3)如果超出进口贸易国制定的最高限量或国内法规制定的限量, 可采取任何必要的措施或进行任何必要的调查。
  6.2.1农业部在中国兽药监察所和中国农业大学设立基准实验室, 国家出入境检验检疫局在中国进出口商品检验技术研究所等单位设立残留物监控的基准实验室。每一试验室及其他拟建立的实验室应专门针对某一物质或某一组物质进行检验。基准实验室职责:
  6.3.1化学杀虫剂。被允许直接用于家畜或家禽或农作物, 或用于饲养场的环境消毒,灭蝇虫的一些化学杀虫剂。
  (4)在动物、植物体内和外界中吸收、分布、代谢、 排泄情况包括代谢物残留的生物效力和持续性;
  综合这些因素进行评价,将这些化合物划分为A、B、C、D四个种类,以A、B、C、D来表示在动物屠宰时发生潜在的有害残留量的递降顺序(A、B、C表示化合物承担作用的最大或最小的价值,“D ”表示“无关紧要”或“还未被列入”)。
  (2)检查全部详情及其结果,如果一个省(市) 采取的控制措施表明需要在一个或多个省(市)进行调查,或需要在其它相关部门(系统)进行调查,如果证明调查有必要,国家出入境检验检疫局与农业部,应协调在其他省(市)部门采取适当的措施;
  (2)对于出现非法处理,适当时在生产、加工、储存、运输、 施用分发或销售等环节,对有关物质或制品的来源进行调查;
  (translation for reference)
  Monitoring Plan for Certain Substances and Residues in Live Animals and Products of Animal Origin, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC)
  1.  Outline
  The PRC recognises that residues and certain substances in animal products and other foods may be hazardous to the consumer and affect the quality of animal products and that the improper use of certain veterinary medicines shall seriously affect human health,
  Special regulations concerning hygiene, import and export commodity inspection, epidemic prevention, using and control of veterinary medicines, and registration administration of factories of food for export are promulgated in the PRC.  However,  more detailed and clear special stipulations on certain key points under the existing laws are necessary to be made in respect of the production of animals and animal products intended for export.  The enforcement of monitoring by the governmental authorities are essential measures in this control system.
  The PRC has established maximum residue limits(MRLs) for pesticides, veterinary drugs and other hazardous chemicals in animal originated foods.
  Chinese government prohibits the use of hormonal substances such as diethylstilboesterol or steroid substances (anabolic or β-adrenoceptor agonists) from January 1, 1999.
  The monitoring system is carried out in the manufacturing, distributing, selling and using of veterinary medicines and in the animal raising and animal product manufacturing.  This monitoring over unauthorized substances and its residues is carried out entirely and systematically by the supervision and inspection of the competent authorities of the PRC.  However, further to ensure the effective performance of this monitoring system so as to effectively control and inspect residues in the whole country, special stipulations are necessary to be established for harmonizing the cooperation of competent authorities such as inspection and quarantine authorities, husbandry and veterinary authorities,
  To ensure that uniform controls shall be effectively and swiftly performed, every monitoring rule and measure must be collected in one document, therefore this plan of monitoring system is issued.
  This plan mainly consists of:
  A. Laws and special rules concerning residue monitoring, the prohibition and permission of substances under monitoring, detailed rules of distribution and sale of substances under monitoring;
  B. The organisation of competent authorities and authorities concerned in the monitoring system.
  C. Laboratory testing net and its testing ability.
  D. Self-control measures by the processing plants and official-control measures.
  E. Rules of official sampling.
  F. Substances to be tested, method of analysis, number of sampling and its reason, sampling criteria and frequency and number of sampling to be taken by officials.
  G. Measures to be taken on contaminated animal or animal products.
  The system of control in the PRC is such that the production of animals and animal products is clearly separated between the domestic and export markets.  Controls exist to ensure that only animals reared on farms and processed in establishments of export standards are allowed to be exported.
  The  following residues surveillance plan is based on the actual situation in the PRC and, with reference to Council Directives 96/22/EC and 96/23/EC, applies to the production for export of animals and animal products.
  2. Scope and Definition
  2.1  This monitoring measures are promulgated to control every groups of residues listed in the attachment(Annex 1).
  2.2  Related definition
  2.2.1 Foods of animal origin (animal derived food)
  All kinds of products of animal origin for human consumption including egg, milk and honey.
  2.2.2 Poultry
  Farmed birds including chicken, duck, turkey, goose, pigeon and etc.
  2.2.3 Farmed animals
  Farmed animals such as cattle, swine, sheep, goat, farmed solipeds and camels, and finned fishes.
  2.2.4 Farmed and Wild Animals
  Rabbit, farmed and wild game, including pheasant and guinea-fowl..
  2.2.5 Veterinary medicine
  Substances for therapeutic use, disease diagnosis and deliberately adjustment of Physiological function, whose function, purpose, usage and dose are regulated.
  2.2.6 Therapeutic treatment
  After diagnosis by veterinarians, hormonal substances can be used, according to the rules governing the usage and administration of veterinary drugs, on individual farmed animals for the purpose of treating reproduction problems, such as the termination of unwanted pregnancy. Beta-agonists may be used for therapeutic purposes for horses not intended for   human consumption and cows at the time of calving and for diseases of the respiratory system.
  2.2.7 Animal treatment
  After veterinary examination, the application of substances authorised for use by rules governing the use and administration of veterinary drugs to individual farmed animals for the synchronisation of oestrus, preparation of the insemination implantation donor and recipient; to farmed aquatic animals to change the sex of a group under the guidance and supervision of veterinarians.
  2.2.8    Illegal treatment
  The use of unauthorised substances or products, or of authorised substances or products for forbidden purposes or under unauthorised conditions.
  2.2.9 Unauthorised substances or products
  Hormonal growth promoters and beta-agonists used for growth promoting purposes. Substances or products forbidden to be used on animals by rules governing the use and administration of veterinary drugs and the legislation of importing countries.
  2.2.10  Residue
  Residue of any substance having medicated action and its ester and metabolites, and the residue of any other substance which, when remaining in a product of animal origin, proves to be hazardous to human health.
  2.2.11  Competent authority
  Institutions authorised by the State Council of the PRC.
  2.2.12  Official sample
  Samples taken for the purpose of testing illegal substances or residue by testing agencies appointed by competent authorities which are labelled with specification, number, sampling methods, sex of animals and the origin of animal or animal products
  2.2.13  Approved laboratory
  Laboratory approved by competent authorities for the purposes of testing residues in official samples
  2.2.14  Batch of animal
  A group of animals of the same age and species, reared on the same farm at the same period, under the same conditions
  2.2.15  Beta-agonist
  A beta- adrenoceptor agonist
  3.    Legislation
  3.1   Related laws and regulations
  the Product Quality Law of P. R. China
  the Law of the P. R. China on Food Hygiene
  the Epidemic Prevention Law of the P. R. China
  the Law of the P. R. China on the Import and Export Commodity Inspection
  the Provisions on the Administration of Veterinary Drugs
  the Provisions on the Administration of Animal Feed
  3.2   Related rules
  the Rules on Authorising Certain Veterinary Drugs to be Used as Feed Additives and Their Uses
  the List of Additives Allowed to be Used in Animal Feed
  the Maximum Residue Limit in Food of Animal Origin
  the Administration Stipulation for the Sanitation Registration of Food Manufacturers for Export
  the Administration Provisions for Licensing Laboratories for Import and Export Commodity Inspection
  the Administrative Provisions for Spot Inspection of Import and Export Commodities
  the Sanitary Registration Standards for Export-Oriented Processing Plants of Livestock and Poultry Meat and their Products
  the Sanitary Registration Standards for Export-Oriented Processing Plants of Aquatic Products
  the Administrative Provisions on the Registration of Export -oriented Eel Farm
  The formulation and implementation of the PRC Residue Monitoring Plan follow the related domestic legislation, while taking into account of requirements of importing countries. The enforcement of the plan is guaranteed by administrative orders.
  4. Institutions of administration and organization
  The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and its subsidiary agents is responsible for the surveillance of residues in animals and food of animal origin. The State Administration for Entry-Exit Commodity Inspection and Quarantine (SAIQ) and its subsidiary organization is responsible for the surveillance over residues in imported and exported foods of animal origin. The annual reports will be published before July 1 in the next year.
  An expert co-ordination group between MOA and SAIQ is set up for the purposing of formulating the national residue surveillance programme and annual plan, exchanging related information, preparing and drafting the annual report on the results of residue monitoring.
  MOA sets up the National Residues Monitoring Expert Committee, inviting experts from other competent authorities.
  4.1   National Residue Monitoring Expert Committee
  The National Residue Monitoring Expert Committee should formulate the National Residue Monitoring Plan.
  The National Residue Monitoring Expert Committee assesses the efficiency and effect of the monitoring plan and make necessary amendments according to (1). The use of veterinary medicines and information about environmental protection, (2). The statistics from local residue monitoring organisations and the information of selling and using of pesticides and veterinary medicines.
  The Committee is also responsible to have dialogues with related international professional organisations, formulate and review the annual residue monitoring plan.
  4.2   MOA is responsible for controlling the residues of veterinary medicines in animal products in the country, setting up and amending the laws and regulations on the residues of veterinary medicines, promulgating technical standards such as MRL and standards for testing methods and etc., promulgating the residue surveillance plan and its annual surveillance programme, and the administration of organizing, harmonizing and supervising the residue monitoring work.
  4.3   SAIQ is responsible for controlling and measuring residues in animal products of import and export;  setting up performance criteria for testing methods and standard methods for determination of residues and toxic substances on import and export products of animal origin; formulating a residue surveillance programme over import and export animals and products of animal origin as part of the national surveillance plan, conducting inspection and administration over imported and exported animal and animal products.
  4.4  Local Residue Monitoring Organization
  4.4.1 Local Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Authorities
  (1). The provincial, municipal and autonomous regional Bureau of Animal Husbandry is responsible for co-ordination of local residue monitoring and control.
  (2).The provincial institute for the supervision over veterinary pharmaceutics and animal disease control departments
  n         performing the task of residue detection in animal and animal products for domestic consumption
  n         Inspect and supervise the local animal drug and medicated feed manufacturing facilities
  n         conduct residue surveillance and inspection on local animal farms
  n         collect samples from animal farms and slaughterhouses for domestic market
  4.4.2           Subsidiary Branches of Inspection and Quarantine System(Local CIQ)
  Local CIQ is approved by SAIQ to carry out residue monitoring and control in aspects of
  l         take official samples from slaughterhouses oriented for export;
  l         implementation of residue inspection on animal products for export;
  l         carry out inspection and supervision on imported animal products;
  l         inspection over animal products for export and supervision on export-oriented slaughterhouse
  l         conduct comparative testing on residues in products of animal origin;
  l         investigation on the usage of veterinary medicines in local slaughterhouses for export, provide the data of residue monitoring and relative information to SAIQ.
  4.5 Analyzing Ability of Laboratories
  This will include laboratories of MOA system and SAIQ, academic laboratories accredited by MOA and SAIQ.
  Laboratories have set up systematic regulations according to ISO/IEC 25-1990 and have standardised administration. They will take part in regular tests at the international level and organise co-operative and comparison experiments between themselves.
  Only after taking examinations and obtaining qualification certificates according to the administration requirements of laboratories shall the inspectors make their relative inspections. All the approved laboratories are equipped with sufficient precision instruments and the necessary facilities for their inspection work.
  5. Co-responsibility on the part of enterprises.
  5.1  ny enterprise (natural or legal person) who operates the production and/or animal farm must follow the relative administration regulations of the state. All the export-oriented enterprises must operate to the requirements of the importing countries.
  5.2  roducers of animal products must take all necessary measures to ensure that they accept for slaughter only those animals which have observed the withdrawal periods for any medicines administered to them. Through inspection or examination they must ensure that residues in the animal or material are below the prescribed limits. Animals or animal products must be free from unauthorised substances.
  5.3  All export operators (natural or legal persons) must ensure that any animals or animal products which are exported
  1) have observed the withdrawal periods for any medicines used
  2) do not contain any residues of authorised substances above the MRL.
  3) do not contain any illegal or unauthorised substances.
  4) do not contain residues of any substances which may be harmful to human health.
  5.4 Farming situations and the use of any veterinary medicines must be supervised by veterinarians approved by MOA. The veterinarians shall write down the date of using the medicine, the name of the medicine, the identification and status of the animal which is treated and the date of withdrawing the medicine.
  5.5 Animal product processors must establish independent quality control sections and laboratories equipped with necessary inspection instruments, equipment and testing reagents, set up relative monitoring systems and corrective measures in case of violation.
  5.6 Animal product processors must possess the records on medicine usage, vaccination and technical supervision. Quality control records must be kept for each point.
  5.7 Producers of animal originated products for export should be supervised and checked by inspection and quarantine authorities. These producers have the responsibility to supply relative information to competent authorities.
  5.8   The CIQ (the former CCIB) inspectors should strengthen the control over the health markings and labels for the products processed by the plants in their charge.
  5.9   Feed mills should apply to and get approval from competent authorities for their feed additives, medicated additives and the formulation of nutrition contents, record in detail the origin of feed additives and added drugs.
  5.10 The drugs used in stockfarms should be approved according to the relative regulations. The stockfarmers should record drug usage, at least including the name of the drug, style of use, dosage and withdrawal time. The animals treated and their status must also be identified.  Prescriptions issued by a veterinarian should be kept for 5 years.
  5.11 Stockfarmers should guarantee their animals are not sold within the withdrawal times. The slaughterhouse should carefully examine and checke the drug usage card and quarantine certificate.
  6. Official control measures
  6.1 Scope and content
  6.1.1 Local authorities shall make checks to implement the annual plan in the following aspects:
  (1). The production, handling, storage, transport, distribution and sale of substances in Group A (anabolic and/or unauthorised substances);
  (2). At any point in the production and distribution of feed;
  (3). The production of animals and products of animal origin;
  (4). The detection for the presence of unauthorised drugs before slaughter, detaining the suspected animals for confirmation, immediate notification of any positive results.
  6.1.2 The checks provided for in paragraph 6.1.1 must conducted with a view in particular to detecting the use or presence of banned substances or products administered to animals for the purposes of fattening or illegal treatment.
  6.1.3 Where fraudulence is suspected, and in the case of positive results from any of the checks referred to in paragraph 6.1.1, positive tissues and animals will be dealt with according to relative regulations.
  6.1.4 The checks must be carried out by competent authorities without prior notice. The owner, the person empowered to dispose of the animals, or their representative, shall be obliged to facilitate pre-slaughter inspection operations, and in particular to assist the official veterinarian or the authorised staff in any manipulation judged necessary.
  6.1.5 Authorities shall take appropriate measures where abuse is suspected
  (1).   Where illegal treatment is suspected, they must ask the owner or person having charge of the animals or the veterinarian in charge of the farm to provide any documentation justifying the nature of the treatment;
  (2).   Where this inquiry confirms illegal use of prohibited substances or products, or where there are grounds for suspecting their use, the following measures should be taken:
  一spot check on the residues of banned substances;
  一if necessary, spot check on animals feed and drinking water;
  一if necessary, spot check on the water of the farm for aquarcultural products;
  一check on the production, handling, storage, transport, distribution and sale of any drugs which may be authorised for domestic production but may not be administered to animals intended for export;
  一checks on the source of any prohibited substances and products;
  (3).   Where the maximum residue levels laid down by domestic regulations or the importing country have been exceeded, carry out any measures or investigations may be deemed appropriate in relation to finding the reason for the residue in question.
  6.2 Reference laboratory
  6.2.1 The MOA has set up reference laboratories in the Veterinary Drug Monitoring and Supervision Institute and in the University of Agriculture of PRC, and SAIQ has set up reference laboratories in China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Technology Institute.  Each laboratory, and others which are to be established, will specialise in detecting the residues of a particular group or groups of substances.     Responsibility of reference laboratories:
  (1).Coordinating the work of the other national laboratories responsible for residue analysis, in particular by coordinating the standards and methods of analysis for each residue or residue group concerned;
  (2).Assisting the competent authorities in organising the plan for monitoring residues;
  (3).Periodically organising comparative tests for each residue or residue group assigned to them;
  (4).Ensuring that national laboratories observe the limits laid down;
  (5).Disseminating information of residue control supplied by related countries;
  (6).Ensuring that their staff are able to take part in further training courses organised by international organisation so as to maintain their continued professional development.
  6.2.2 Local competent authorities shall set up approved routine laboratories for the implementation of the national residue control plan.
  6.3 Substances review and classification
  6.3.1 Chemical pesticides
  6.3.2 Veterinary drugs
  6.3.3 Environmental contaminants
  6.3.4 Residues monitoring priorities
  There are a lot of residual substances in a group and, considering the actual situation in China, I.e. the production, sale, use of a substance, the competent authorities shall assess the degree of the danger of certain residue, and make a priority list of residual substances to be monitored.  With respect to exporting products, they will respect the requirements laid down in the legislation of the importing countries.
  6.3.5 Method of Classification on Compounds
  The potential hazardous effect of each compound to which animal exposed on human health shall be evaluated by the following criteria:
  1) the use of relevant compounds;
  2) exact dosage or approximate dosage;
  3) if there is abuse and its potency of producing hazardous residues;
  4) the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion in animal, plant and environment, including the biological effects and consistence of the metabolised residues;
  5) the chemicals characteristics and toxicity of residues.
  Based upon the criteria above mentioned, for the purposes of domestic production compounds can be classified into 4 categories, A, B, C and D. The alphabet A, B, C, and D represent the degrade sequence of the potential residue occurrence at the time of slaughtering. (A,B,C represent the maximum/minimum potency a compound bear, D represents “not listed yet”).  In respect of  importing countries they will respect the requirements of their legislation.
  6.4 Sampling strategy
  The residue control plan is aimed at surveying and revealing the reasons for residue hazardous in foods of animal origin on farms, slaughterhouses, dairies, honey farms, fish farms, fish processing plants and egg collecting and packing stations.
  The official sampling strategy for domestic production in China will be worked out and enacted by reference to the general international Sampling Levels and Frequency. Official samples for export testing are to be taken in accordance with the legislation of the importing country, e.g. the Council Directive 96/23/EC and Commission Decision 98/179/EC.
  6.5 Method of Testing
  Performance criteria for testing methods will be set up. Any methods reach the requirements of the criteria may be used in testing.
  6.5.1 Official Method of AOAC
  1)   it could be applied directly;
  2)   after retesting by 3 analyst  (in 2 or 3 laboratories) , it could be extended to apply for other analysis, tissues, species and products;
  3)   it could also be extended to apply for other relevant analysis with same matrix as that in the early studies.
  6.5.2 The Methods for Detecting the Presence of Residues of the Ministry of Agriculture, the People’s Republic of China.
  6.5.3 The SAIQ Methods for Detecting the Presence of Residues in Products of Animal Origin for Export.
  6.5.4 Where appropriate, the regulatory method and performance standards approved by the relevant importing country.
  6.5.5 The analytical methods published in Federal Register and collected in the Federal Code of Regulations, USA, FDA approved methods, and FSIS methods.
  6.6 Standard Substances
  The internationally recognised reference materials will be accepted.
  6.7   Official samples must be taken in accordance with the rules on Sampling Strategy and Sampling Level and Frequency in order to be examined in approved laboratories.
  Whenever an authorisation is issued for the placing the market of a veterinary drug intended for administration to a species, the meat or product of which is intended for human consumption, the Ministry of Agriculture shall concurrently issue the routine analysis method for detection of residues.
  If challenged on the basis of a contradictory analysis, those results must be confirmed by the reference laboratory designated for the substance or residue in question.
  6.8 Measures to be taken in the event of infringement.
  6.8.1 If official samples examined have positive results, it shows a case of illegal treatment. The competent authorities such as the Ministry of Agriculture and SAIQ shall take necessary measures to obtain:
  1) all the information required to identify the animal and farm of origin or departure;
  2) full details of the examination and its results. If the controls carried out in a province demonstrate the need for an investigation or other action in one or more provinces, or in other appropriate authority (system), The MOA and SAIQ shall coordinate the appropriate measures taken in another province where an investigation or other action proves necessary.
  6.8.2 The appropriate authority shall carry out:
  1) an investigation on the farm of origin or departure, as appropriate, to determine the reasons for the presence of residues;
  2) in the case of illegal treatment, an investigation of the source or sources of the substances or products concerned at the stage of manufacture, handling, storage, transport, administration, distribution or sale, as appropriate;
  3) any other further investigation which the authority considers necessary.
  In respect of export establishments
  a)   Where the investigation concerns an establishment authorised to export, the authority shall immediately sample other animals or animal products from the same establishment.  They will identify animals from which samples have been taken and immediately notify the animal husbandry authority concerned. No animals should in any circumstances leave the farm until the results of the checks are available. If there is confirmation of a case of illegal treatment, the flock where animal or animals found to be positive shall be put under official control immediately and the export production and processing permits of the enterprises shall be immediately suspended.  SAIQ will make all efforts to identify and recall any other animals or animal products which may be affected.
  B)   Where it is indicated that authorised drugs have been abused or withdrawal times have not be observed, the enterprise shall be required to take appropriate and preventive measures to correct its practice. The farms shall be subject to more stringent checks for residues in question.  The registration of export permit may be deleted if the enterprises repeatedly break the regulations or laws.
  In respect of domestic production
  c)   If there is any evidence showing that the residues of substances or products exceed the maximum limit, the competent authority shall appropriately take an investigation on the farm of origin to find out the cause for the failure, and take all necessary measures to safeguard public health which may include prohibiting animals from leaving the farm or establishment concerned for a set period. Where illegal treatment is established, authorities shall ensure that the livestock in the investigation is immediately placed under official control, all the animals concerned should bear an official mark or identification, as a first step, and an official sample must be taken from a statistically representative sample.
  D)   In the event of repeated infringements of maximum residue limits intensified checks on the animals and products from the farm and /or establishment in question must be carried out by the MOA and other government departments concerned for a period at least 6 months, and the products and animal carcases being impounded pending the result of analysis of the samples. Any result showing that the maximum residue limit has been exceeded must lead to the carcases or products concerned being declared unfit for human consumption
  e)   Where the investigation confirms that suspicion was justified, products are found positive or illegal treatment of the products, the cost of analysis shall be borne by the producer or person having charge of the animal.
  6.8.3 Measures Taken on the Enterprises Who Break the Regulations
  Where unauthorised substances or products or substances listed in Groups A and B (1) and (2) of Annex I to this Document are discovered in the possession of non-authorized persons, those unauthorised substances or products must be placed under official control until appropriate measures are taken by the competent authorities, without prejudice to the possible imposition of penalties on the offenders.
  Where any prohibited drugs are found to be used in any animal farms, the animals from the farm in question may not leave the farm of origin or be handed over to any other person except under official control. The competent authorities shall take appropriate precautionary measures in accordance with the nature of the substance or substances identified.
  If the authorities suspects or has evidence that the animals concerned have been subject to an authorised treatment, but that withdrawal periods have not been compiled with, it may postpone slaughter of the animals until it is satisfied that the quantity of residues does not exceed the permitted levels, specifically for Beta-agonists used for authorised therapeutic purposes not less than 28 days.
  Any failure to cooperate with the competent authorities and any obstruction during inspection and sampling as required for the implementation of National Plan for monitoring residues and during the investigations and checks provided for in this Regulation, shall result in the appropriate criminal and /or administrative penalty being posed by the competent national authorities.
  Proper government administrative measures of penalties shall be taken against persons who possess or supply substance or products which are not allowed by the regulations, or persons who administer the substance or products to animals.
  European Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation
  Bureau of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture
  Department of Certification Supervision, the State Administration of Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine

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